Ready, Steady, Bimbo!: A Bimbo Story

Becca didn’t know where she was and intensely regretted every decision she’d made over the last two weeks. A man removed the bag and noise blocking headphones from her head. “Alright then?” he said, gently nudging her chin up to look her in the eye. “Tell me your name, please?”

“Becca Kelly,” she said, feeling groggy.

“Good,” he said, making a note on a clipboard. “Effects of the sedative will wear off soon. Helps to walk around a bit. Feel free to socialize with the others. There’s some juice and sugar cookies on the table.”

The man smiled at her. He looked entirely average. He wore a white shirt and a pair of black slacks with a headset receiver clipped to the belt. A few others dressed like him moved around the room attending to the others like Becca, the ones who arrived deaf and blind. She expected thugs or men in eerie, dystopic masks. She didn’t expect servers from a local chain restaurant to be the primary fixture of a clandestine loan shark repayment scheme.

Becca never did get the hang of money. She spent it easily enough, and she thought she made enough to offset that tendency. Even when bills with a lot of red ink showed up, her mind never properly linked the ideas of spending and earning. When she needed more money, she always found people happy to give it to her. Once the initial wave of friends and family grew wise to Becca’s habit of not paying them back, Becca turned to less savory options. Her problems finally clicked when she needed $42,000 to pay off her credit card debt, and no one would give her any help. No one other than a bunch of thugs happy to double her debt overnight. One bad choice deserving another, Becca didn’t hesitate to take up a new offer when a man in black showed up at her door offering to clear her debt for participating in a game.

She didn’t see the man named Thaddeus anywhere, not that she expected him. She only hoped to see someone familiar, until she didn’t. Across the room, another of the attendants unmasked a man and asked for a name. “Liam Pullman, uh, what the fuck is going on.”

The attendant smiled, explained about the snacks, and moved on. Becca looked across the room at her boyfriend with horror building in her stomach. When he spotted her, his face fell. She scrambled across the room and took a seat next to him. “Liam, god, I had no idea you would be roped into this.”

“Wait,” he said, looking up and taking her hand in his. “Roped into it? I’m the one who…did you talk to a man about paying off your debt? Big guy, sort of creepy?”

“Yes,” Becca answered. “Thaddeus. He came around the apartment. I only opened the door because I thought he was with…well, with some people I owed money.”

Liam nodded. His curly brown hair bounced with the movement. Even after hours inside a black bag, his curls remained resilient. Becca didn’t know why Liam bothered with her. He said that he loved her, but how could that be true. “He came by the restaurant. Said he had a fast way of making a lot of money. Said it was safe and no obligation until we actually start. I dunno why, but the guy had a way about him. I wanted to believe him. I figured if I did what he said, made the money, then I could turn things around for us. I swear, if we get out of this, whatever it is, you’re not allowed to spend money any more.”

“I think that’s fair,” Becca said. She would cut up her credit cards. Hell, if it fixed things, she would give her back account over to Liam. She huddled against him, and they took in the rest of the room for the first time.

They weren’t alone. In addition to the attendants, six others clearly took up Thaddeus on his offer. Two remained masked while the other four stood in huddled conversation near the refreshment table. The room itself looked like a generic hotel room without a bed, complete with a geometrically styled carpet that looked in need of a good cleaning. The room didn’t have any windows. The spare attendants milled around the one door, and while none of them looked particularly threatening, it seemed heavily implied that leaving would be met with some issue.

“Martin Burke,” said the most recently unmasked person.

“Shit,” Becca said as she clutched Liam’s arm. Martin’s eyes blinked to adjust to the light before settling on Becca and Liam. His face transformed from recognition to shame quickly, but Becca wasn’t looking back. She looked instead at the other masked person, knowing that if Martin got roped into the scheme then so did his wife.

“Marie Burke,” she answered the attendant.

Martin gave the other couple a nod before going to his wife. Becca looked again at the other four people in the room. She noticed they weren’t mingling, but in deep, heated conversation with one another. “Liam, they all know each other, too. Do you recognize any of them?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Come on, let’s see how Martin and Marie got here.”

When they approached, Marie was nearly in tears. Both of the Burkes tried to manage a smile for their friends, but neither achieved anything more than a pained grimace. Becca put her arm around Marie and tried to think of something encouraging to say. Liam did not bother with tact, “You guys are in debt?”

Martin coughed. The two men developed a friendship through Marie and Becca, but they didn’t have much in common. Becca knew Martin longer since Marie married him right out of college. She thought Liam resented that on some level. “I lost my job a while ago. I’ve been taking some freelance work, but…bills.”

“We’re six months behind on the mortgage,” Marie said, more to Becca than to anyone else. “Not to mention all the other bills. Martin’s insurance was taking care of the fertility treatments, too. Once he lost the job, the insurance went, but there was a gap where we saw the specialist and the insurance didn’t cover it. Those bills alone would have bankrupt us, and they wouldn’t discuss it. Turned us over to collection.”

Martin nodded grimly. “A man approached me. Name of Thaddeus. Said he had a way I could clear my debt and never have to worry about money again. For some insane reason, I agreed. Apparently, the same guy found Marie and offered the same thing. I assume from you two being here that you also ran into him.”

“Yep,” Liam answered. “Now we just need to figure out how to get out of whatever mess we’re in.”

The door opened. A man in a blue blazer walked and clapped his hands. “Welcome all! We’re about to start our first round. Aren’t you excited?”

The other four gathered around the man in the blazer as the attendants brought out more clipboards. The man spoke, “My name is Oliver, and I am the host of our little game. First of all, I must insist that you understand that you’re free to go at any point until you sign the documents we’re handing out right now. You’re free to read through them, but I barely understand them and I helped write them. Essentially, they surrender all forms of consent to participants in the game and commit you to a type of guardianship over which we, the producers, are temporary stewards. After the game, that responsibility is transferred to the winners, along with the winnings naturally.”

“This is insane,” one of the strangers said. “It can’t possibly be legal.”

“Oh, it’s not about legality,” Oliver said. “It’s a type of mystical contract re-channeled through legalese. Obviously nothing we’re doing here is legal because they haven’t even thought up laws for this sort of thing. My employer, on the other hand, is bound by a strict code which requires a form of consent, which this will certainly qualify as. Sign the document and whatever happens to you from that point until the end of the game is consented to by you, the signer. You don’t have to play, as I said, but then you don’t have a solution to your debts. In addition to the games inherent prizes, the winners will receive a sum of twenty million, well ten million per couple.”

The number didn’t make sense in Becca’s head. No none could give out that much money, and if they did, whatever they wanted the “contestants” to do for it wouldn’t be worth it. “How do we know you’re not full of shit?”

Oliver smiled, “This is my favorite part. The looks on your faces. You still have your phones on you. Go on, check your pockets. If you would, open up your banking app and check the balance in your accounts. You’ll see each one has a pending transaction and —”

“Holy fucking shit,” Martin said. He nearly dropped his phone as he grabbed the paperwork and scrawled his name. Marie tried to protest, but after some hurried whispers, she signed too.

Becca and Liam looked at one another as the other four whispered and signed. “Will any of us be hurt?” Liam asked.

Oliver shook his head, “Not unless you request it.”

Becca read through the contract, trying to understand what they were signing up to do. “We don’t know what will happen,” she said to Liam. “Whatever game this is, if it’s worth twenty million, then it’s gonna be something fucking weird. What if the deal is they send one of us to the fucking moon or something? That wouldn’t hurt, but it would be fucking horrible anyway.”

“Yeah, Becca, the thing is…we don’t have a lot of options. I got some calls last week. That loan you took out. It’s not the kind of thing that doesn’t get paid back one way or the other. They’ll take our stuff, and they’ll keep taking. Once they have a way to lean on you, they don’t stop until you’re squished. And, yeah, usually better the evil you know than the one you don’t, but in this case, whatever’s going on here is probably a better gamble than dealing with some mob enforcer.” Liam kissed her cheek. “I love you, remember? We just need a way out.” With that, he scrawled his name on the form.

Becca hesitated a bit longer, realized she was the only holdout, and finally wrote her name. Oliver clapped his hands again as the attendants gathered up the clipboards. “Excellent, if you’d also hand over your phones. We’ve turned the dampening signal back on so they’re no good anyway. They’re already prepped out front, so all that’s left to decide is who goes first. You’ve been split into two groups of four, though I expect you’ve sussed that out already. Ah, Mr. Burke if you could be a representative for your quartet while Mr. Nelson acts as representative for his. We start with a simple coin flip. Mr. Burke may call it while Mr. Nelson flips. Winner goes first!”

Oliver provided an old coin of tarnished silver to the man who came from the other group. Martin waited anxiously as the coin sat on the flat of Mr. Nelson’s fist. It tinged as it went up in the air. Martin said, “Tails.” The coin hit the ground heads side up.

“That’s it then. Martin, Marie, Liam, and Becca, please enjoy the green room while our other contestants play. Everyone else, follow me to the stage!”

Like marching to the gallows, the other four left the room along with Oliver and most of the attendants.

The time moved slowly. The four friends tried to make conversation, but everything seemed pointless. Through the door, Becca thought she could hear the faint sound of cheers or applause. Liam idly speculated on what horrible game was happening beyond the green room. Marie disagreed, “We’re couples. It’s got to be a sex thing. If they wanted to torture people for entertainment, they’d grab whoever.”

“They could make us torture each other,” Liam suggested grimly.

“Let’s not encourage negative thinking, how about?” Martin sipped a glass of apple juice, which he claimed was the best he’d ever tasted.

Becca gnawed at her fingernails. The curiosity ate at her and triggered every flight and fight response she had in her system. She wanted to storm the schlubs their captors left to keep them isolated and fight their way out. They could make a run for it maybe. How much effort would a low level gangster put in to finding two deadbeats half the country away. But no, Liam liked his parents and leaving might put them in danger. And they did have lives outside of her horrible debt and his shitty job. Marie, for example, would have been a reason to stay, if she weren’t also neck deep in whatever mess they’d found.

After a half hour, the door opened and Oliver returned. “A smashing success filled with drama and tragedy! Another excellent performance, I think. A shame you didn’t get to see it, but it would spoil the fun. We’re setting up for the next game now, if you’ll follow me to the prep area.”

“Where are the others?” Marie asked.

“Off living their new lives,” Oliver said with a wink. “This way!”

It excited the foursome more than they expected to leave the green room. They walked through a short corridor of tarp and scaffolding and into a small area littered with costumes and mirrors. Becca figured they were somehow behind a stage, though she didn’t know why a bizarre hotel room would be the waiting area. Oliver stalled out chattering with another of the attendants. He gave a frustrated wave and more of the unremarkable people seemed to emerge from all around them. They smiled and complimented everyone, but didn’t take any of the objecting noises from the four into account as each was stripped.

“Hey come on what the fuck —” Liam protested as Becca’s bra was slipped off.

“All part of the game,” Oliver said, glancing over his shoulder. “Clothes simply get in the way. Let’s see. Oh this would be fun. Couples! Decide which of the two of you has the stronger resistance to pleasure. They’ll go first. Remember, losing round one might make round two more difficult, so pick your best!”

Becca noticed Liam sealing glances as Marie. Becca couldn’t help but take a look at Martin, either. She appreciated having fit friends. If they had to be roped into some fucked up sex game, at least they wound up with a pair of lookers. Marie’s boobs were a little bigger, but Becca proudly stuck out her larger butt. It had been a long contention among the friends, and it felt good to finally have it on display for their respective partners. On the other hand, neither man seemed all too different from the other. She thought Liam might have a bigger dick when he got fully erect, but both men seemed to have a case of stage fright, which put an idea in her head. “You should go first.”

“He said resistant to pleasure,” Liam whispered. “I don’t know what they’re going to make us do, but if its down to who can not orgasm for longer, the woman is definitely the safer bet.”

“Sure, if we’re at home, but do you feel sexy at all right now? Can you even get hard? Think of people watching, focus on the awkwardness, and you’ll never finish. Like the first time we had sex.”

“Great, thanks for bringing that up,” Liam muttered. “You might have a point though. Besides, if they’re taking volunteers to go first for whatever’s going to happen, I should be the one.”

Becca rolled her eyes, “We’re in a secret sex game for twenty million, you don’t get to chivalry your way out of this.”

Oliver whistled, “Decided?”

“Me,” Marie said.

“And me,” Liam added.

“Oh good. Gets that one issue out of the way. Everyone follow me, and remember big smiles!” Oliver waved for them to follow. Feeling incredibly awkward, the four of them trotted behind him, each trying to avoid looking at the naked body in front of them while also ignoring the feeling of every bit of them being examined. They turned a corner and walked onto a stage set up like a game show from the seventies. Four chairs lined one side while a small podium stood on the other. In between waited a small cushioned platform.

As Becca, first in line, appeared applause swelled all around them. Her heart thudded in her throat as she thought of all the strangers in the audience, but then she realized the audio looped. Massive stage lights blinded her to the darkness beyond, but she thought they were alone in the studio other than the camera operators and Oliver. The crowd sounds came from speakers all around them. She walked to the chair with her name on it and hopped into it.

Oliver took his position behind the podium. He picked up a set of cards, flipped through them, and then looked at the camera. “Excellent, my dear patrons, we’re happy to welcome four new contestants. At the moment, you’ll see their entire biography card displayed on your screen. Our first round is once again Measurements and Moods, and up first we have Liam and Marie! If you two could come to the platform here, we’ll explain the game.”

Liam gave Becca a squeeze of the hand, mouthed “I love you” and followed Marie to the platform. They both stood with their hands clasped in front of them, vainly attempting to hide their nudity. Marie didn’t bother with trying to conceal her breasts. If anything, she stuck them out proudly, but Becca always knew her friend was a slight exhibitionist when it came to her boobs.

“This round is simple,” Oliver continued. “The first to make the other cum wins!”

A wave of understanding rolled through the four contestants. Both Liam and Marie looked at their partners. Marie spoke first, “You want us to fuck each other?”

Oliver nodded enthusiastically, “That’s right. Try your hardest to get your partner off. You’ll each be given sixty seconds of control to decide which position and what activity. We chose randomly who gets to start and Marie gets to kick things off. We’ll start the timer when —”

“Are you people all insane? I’m not fucking my friend’s wife. I refuse.”

Oliver pantomimed a frown to the empty crowd as a chorus of boos and jeers sounded from the speakers. “If you refuse to participate, then you forfeit the round. Marie will win, and you will be the first augmented. As we’re in the Measures and Moods round, the augments will include physical enlargement of sexual features, muscle or tissue mass, and an alteration of the mind to be more amenable to sex.”

“So if I lose,” Marie said, “you’re going to make my boobs bigger and make me horny?”

“For a start,” Oliver said, the invisible crowd cooing and catcalling.

Becca didn’t know what to do. She felt helpless while Martin looked distraught. Liam looked at her. She said the only thing she could think of, “Win?”

Martin snapped his fingers, “He didn’t say you have to have sex! Masturbate for him.”

Becca admired the desperate idea, but doubted it would work. The applause swelled again as Marie sat down on the platform and spread her legs. A clock lit up at the back of the room, and a sixty second timer slowly ticked down. Marie rubbed her breasts while teasing at her shaved slit. If not for the high stakes, it would have been a seductive performance. After twenty seconds, Marie tried to up the ante, “Liam, didn’t you ever wonder what my pussy would feel like? Doesn’t it make your cock hard thinking about fucking your wife’s best friend?” She licked her fingers and pushed them into her pussy while rubbing her nipples with her other hand. Both of the men’s dick swelled, but nothing more.

The clock ticked down, and it was Liam’s turn. He looked over his shoulder to Becca. “What do I do?”

“Eat her pussy,” Becca answered immediately, clasping her hands in front of her nose. She felt the twinge of arousal when she said it and realized she was getting wet watching her boyfriend oogle Marie. She glanced over at Martin to see him slowly stroke his own dick.

Liam braced himself and dropped to his knees. Marie objected until his tongue pressed against her lips. Her murmur drew off into a quiet huff of concentration. Becca knew her boyfriend loved eating her out, so it stood to reason he’d be pretty good at doing it to Marie, too. Liam’s fingers slid into Marie’s wet pussy as his tongue licked at her clit. Marie unconsciously rubbed her breasts and bit at her lip until a squeak from her husband brought her back to the moment. “Don’t cum,” said to herself while gyrating her hips on Liam’s tongue. The final seconds ticked off the clock, and Marie sighed with relief as the bell dinged.

“Off to a good start,” Oliver said. “Seemed like you almost had her there Liam. Marie, you’re up next. Sixty seconds on the clock.”

No one suggested Marie’s next move, but it seemed natural. She directed Liam to a seated position and knelt in front of him. First, she wrapped her tits around his dick, jerking up and down while rubbing her own nipples. She kept an eye on the clock and after thirty seconds, changed her strategy. She rubbed the small bead of precum across the top of Liam’s glans. “Sorry,” she said, before opening her mouth and swallowing his dick down to the root.

“Oh, fuck!” Liam groaned, overwhelmed by the sudden wetness and warmth. His hands grabbed the back of Marie’s head, holding her in place as her tongue undulated along the length of cock in her mouth while her throat squeezed the rest. Liam’s whole body tensed as he tried to hold back his orgasm and failed. He bellowed as his balls emptied into Marie’s mouth. His stomach muscles clenched, forcing him into an involuntary crunch as Becca’s friend drank his spunk.

The audience roared with applause and cheers. Oliver clapped as well, waiting politely as Liam’s deflating dick slipped out of Marie’s throat. While the two contestants avoided looking at their true partners, Oliver pressed on. “Excellent, we have our round one winner! Marie, that was a surprising move, but effective. We usually see a lot more tiptoeing until the deepthroats come out. But that means, Liam is up first for our alterations. Here they come in three…two…”

If Oliver said one, no one heard it. A blue light flashed through the room. Liam got to his feet, looking at his body to find some kind of change. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Liam groaned, and the changes began. His curly hair turned from brown to bleached blonde as his jawline grew more defined. The muscle on his chest rippled and grew as biceps and quads bulged forward. His ass swelled, too, becoming a sculpted bubble of muscle. But the biggest change by far happened between his legs. His dick returned to its full vigor, throbbing with rigidity before it doubled in size. He moaned and stroked himself as a stream of gum sprayed out. His balls lost their hair as they grew heavy with fresh cum. The wave of changes stopped, and Liam grinned with pearly white teeth. “Awesome,” he said.

“Liam, Marie, if you two would return to your seats, our next game will start after a bit of cleanup.”

“Hey babe, you look fucking sexy,” Liam said. “Look how big they made my dick. Think it’ll still fit inside you? I know it’ll stretch that ass of yours.” Becca struggled to understand what was in front of her. Liam looked like a god come to life, but it wasn’t her Liam. He had no discerning skepticism in his face, only a dumb, slack eagerness to please. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her tight against him. “Sorry I had to eat your friend’s pussy. But it was a good idea. I think if I could do it again, I’d get it right this time, y’know? Her mouth was real fuckin tight, though. God, she made me cum almost, like, right away.”

“Liam, hon, focus. You’re still in there right? This isn’t possible. They can’t have magically turned you into this?”

“Sorry babe, it’s hard to focus when I still have pussy on my lips. Think they’d get mad if I went down on you while we wait?”

Oliver took up his spot at the podium again, “Welcome back everyone. We’ve prepared for round two. This game is similar, but team oriented. If the players will come over here and take their positions.” The attendants brought out four odd chairs. The middle two sported a dildo while the outer two had attached fleshlights. Liam eagerly put himself in the far chair, positioning his cock at the entrance to the fake pussy before one of the attendants asked him to wait. Becca sat beside him, watching as an attendant lubed the dildo considerably.

“When we start the clock, you will be subjected to stimulation. For the men, a feeling of real sex through the toys. For the women, our proprietary cock and vibrator system that will provide both vaginal and clitoral stimulation. But, that’s only the lower limit. The longer you last, the more pleasure the chair will give. Anal insertion, nipple stimulation, prostate massage, even oral fixation can be accommodated. The first team to have both players tap out will be gifted with our next enhancement, Leaky. You’ll get to see what that entails if you emerge the loser. Ready? Steady! GO!”

The attendant guided Becca down onto the dildo in sync with Marie. She groaned as her walls stretched. Beside her, Liam’s fat dick slid into the artificial pussy with a wet slurp. It swiveled around his cock for a second before beginning a slow thrust. At the far end, Martin experienced a similar sensation, though he was more vocal about its effect. The clock ticked along behind them. At twenty seconds, the clitoral vibration started. Becca bit her lip, forcing out the idea of pleasure as best she could. Marie was beside her, trying to keep a straight face, but the workup with Liam clearly had her hot and bothered already.

“Ungh, babe, this feels good, but I really wish it was your pussy instead,” Liam said. “Man, can you imagine riding me like this thing. Just me sitting here with my fat dick sticking out while that big ass of yours pushes back and forth on me. Mnnghnn.” His eyes squeezed shut as he came, pumping his second load of the game into the fake receptacle.

Oliver spoke over the cheers, “And Liam is out. A downside of the first augments, I’m afraid. Only lasted ninety seconds. But, the other three are still in. Yes, Liam, we can leave the machine on.”

Shit, Becca thought. The tingles of pleasure grew stronger no matter what she did. Thoughts of her boyfriend’s cock pumping cum just out of her reach made her pussy get slick around the throbbing dildo. As the two minute mark passed, the chair changed again. Small arms emerged and settled around each contestant’s nipples. Amazingly, it felt exactly like a mouth, even down to a feeling of playful nips. At the end of the line, Martin bellowed, “Fuck, no!” as he lost the game.

Becca tried to focus as more horny thoughts pushed into her mind. The third minute passed. Somehow the chair spread underneath her, pulling apart her ass cheeks. The yelp from beside her told her Marie’s chair did the same. A rubber plug slowly pushed against her asshole, not trying to insert, but lubing her for when the fourth minute passed. She knew that would put her over the edge. “Marie,” she whispered. “What was it like sucking Liam’s dick? Did you almost cum when you felt his hot spunk in your throat?”

Her friend wriggled in her seat. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to win, Marie. That’s why we’re here. To win. And I bet you’re so close. Have you ever had something in your ass? That little bitty thing back there still have its tight virginity? I bet they start with a small plug and work their way up. Maybe they’ll run out of sizes before we cum and we’ll have to take turns with Liam. Did you see how big you made his cock? Imagine his throbbing meat in your ass and cum. Cum hard, Marie, cum all over this fucking —”

“Auughghhhhh!” Marie buckled forward. Her entire body seized. Becca made a triumphant laugh as her own orgasm tore through her body. She felt the prodding anal device recede and hated for it to go. The chair’s other implements withdrew as she came down from her orgasmic high.

Marie recovered enough of her senses to look at her friend and say, “You bitch.” Oliver spoke over her as the room flashed blue again.

“Leaky, ladies and gentlemen, comes with additional tweaking to the sex drive as well as a fixation on the desire to emit sexual fluids coupled with the constant ability to do so. For women, that’s milk laden mammaries, and for men, that’s a horse cock with unlimited cum.”

The changes hit as Oliver spoke. Marie’s already big boobs swelled to the size of beach balls. Milk sprayed out in a gush before becoming a constant leak down the front of her boobs. Beside her, struggling to stand, Martin was bowlegged with a ballsack almost as big as one of Marie’s new tits. His dick swelled to a thick tube, but was shorter than Liam’s enhanced cock. Martin’s, though, leaked a steady stream of pearly white cum. Sometimes, it shot out and his body shook in mini orgasm. Both the Burkes gurgled as they collided into a sticky mess. Martin squeezed his wife’s tits, spraying her milk all over himself while his cock pulsed several globs of cum into her stomach.

“Clear the set and get ready for the final round!”

They all returned to the chairs, but only Becca bothered to sit down. Liam stood beside her, stroking his dick while watching Marie suck off her husband. Or at least, suck on him. The swollen cock pumped cum into Marie’s hungry mouth almost lazily while Martin stroked the back of her head. Becca grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him to her, feeling oddly jealous. With his new body, his dick wasn’t too far from her mouth while sitting. She hefted his balls and swirled her tongue around the head of his dick, wondering if she could taste her friend’s throat on the head of his cock.

“Ahem, if our contestants would like to focus, we’ve come to the final round. Everyone will participate and it’s an individual prize, the Full Blown Breeder! This augment will sear all thoughts from the mind of the person who receives it, leaving them only a desire to be pregnant or to get women pregnant. Hope you all like big families!”

Becca thought she saw an actual glimmer of excitement in Martin’s eye as he spurted some more cum down his wife’s throat. Liam grunted and thrust slowly into Becca’s mouth. She pulled him out with a wet pop and finished jerking him off on her tits. It didn’t exactly surprise her how easily he came or that he’d cum three times in the past fifteen minutes. As his warm jizz splashed on her boobs, she wondered if that blue light was affecting her even if she won. Her pussy ached for touch. She wanted a good hard fuck from the thick cock on her boyfriend. Or Martin’s.

“This round is the easiest of all,” Oliver said, gesturing to four large glass boxes that appeared in the room. “Inside these soundproof boxes, each contestant will count to ten. Do it successfully, and you’re a winner! You may start when the light turns green. Fail, and its the Breeder special. Don’t worry though, the winner gets a special surprise of their own. Contestants, if you’d please.”

Attendants guided each of them into their cases. As the door sealed, an oppressive silence greeted Becca. She looked to her left and Liam waved dumbly at her before giving a thumbs up and tapping his temple. On the other side, Martin and Marie were either concentrating or considering things. The light flashed green.

“One,” Becca started. Instantly beside her, Marie’s box flashed blue. When the light passed, Marie leaned back, letting her engorged tits wobble on her chest. A vacant bimbo glaze settled in her eyes as she spread her pussy lips and fingered herself greedily. “Two…three.” Another flash, Liam’s box. When she looked over, his cock was standing straight out and spraying thick ropes against the glass wall as he stroked. “Four…five…six,” she concentrated.

A third flash. At the far end, Martin forced his way out of the box. His dick had grown even bigger. He yanked the door of Marie’s box open and hauled her out, pushing her down as he thrust his spurting dick against her pussy. Becca watched her friend take the massive cock with ease as she squealed like a cow in heat, all a silent pantomime inside the box. She hesitated, what number was she on. “Seven…” Liam stepped out of his box and moved around to the front of Marie. She slurped his cock into her mouth again without any hesitation. He fucked her face with ease while watching Martin breed her.

You can do this, Becca, she encouraged herself. “Eight…nine…” Liam was cumming again, spraying rope after rope of his jizz on Marie’s face. She reveled in it as Martin’s cum oozed out from around his thrusting cock. “Ten!”

A ding went off, and the case opened. A roar of cheers greeted Becca as she stumbled back into the world. Oliver led the applause, and then a blue light flashed. Becca wondered what had happened, but didn’t feel as ditzy any more. She looked down to see swollen tits sitting up proudly on her chest. Liam moved in front of her picked her up and dropped her on the nearby couch. She spread her legs as the head of his dick nudged between her soaking pussy lips. She sighed as his dick slid into her. “That’s better,” she cooed.

“You’re going to be a great mom,” he said. “Your tits will get even bigger.”

Oliver was speaking to the invisible audience, “In addition to the prize money, our winner has been gifted the Dommy Mommy trait so she can better look after her breeding bimbo and himbos. All the sense of a modern woman with all the sex drive of our lovely bimbos. She’ll have a bun in the oven no time, too. Thank you all for joining us, stay tuned for…”

Becca stopped listening. She was thinking about buying a leather outfit, something that would show off her new tits and leave room for her growing belly. “Yeah, fuck my cunt you dumb stud,” she said, feeling powerful as she spoke. He would do whatever she wanted. And Martin and Marie, and anyone else they could find to fill up with cum and milk. If they didn’t, she give them a hard spank and put them back in their place.

Her body shook as she orgasmed, not from the dick inside her or the rough hands on her firm tits, but from the feeling of being in control for the first time in her life. She glared up at Liam as she wrapped her legs around him. “Hurry up and breed me. I have friends we should visit.”