Recent Releases

February 2025

Puff Puff: A Hucow Story

Kevin and Rob are sent to pick up a delivery from an eccentric supplier who warns them that their curiosity might have unintended consequences. Unable to resist, Rob decides to sample the product and dooms himself to a whole new, milky existence.
(Available on Patreon)

Apollo’s Fall

Hazel wants to be a model and considers herself lucky to have a booking with world famous photographer, Apollo. Not long after they meet, she discovers Apollo's sinister secret. Apollo wants to bring Hazel into his harem of brainwashed bimbos, but Hazel has ideas of her own. Using Apollo's magic, she dooms her boyfriend and roommates to a freakish descent to sexual madness.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze: Epilogue

One year later…

January 2025

HSA-764: Red’s World

While working her job in a diner, Tracy encounters a peculiar young man. As she gets his order together, the diner, and Tracy herself, start to change, warped by the newcomer's aura into creatures of carnal delight.
(Available on Patreon)

Diary of a DairyGirl: A Hucow Story

Violet takes an opportunity as a DairyGirl, a specialized live-in hucow, and chronicles her experience with the bodily enhancements as well as the relationship with her client, Micah.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze: Chapter IX

Miles establishes a new family dynamic as everyone comes together.
(Available in the Archive)

December 2024

Milktec Industries Presents: Eggnog

Harry and Linda have been invited to a holiday party by Harry's old platoon buddy, Eddie. They soon find themselves roped into the holiday cheer as a special eggnog flows freely through the party. Things grow strange as the night progresses until Eddie reveals that the drink was supplied by none other than Milktec Industries.
(Available on Patreon and Kindle)

Dye Job: Bimbo Stories

Elisabeth has been fretting over a simple hair cut for months. No matter how much she worries, others in her life, including her husband, Aaron, seem to understand the importance of getting the right cut. The only one who seems to understand is her stylist, who claims going blonde with turn Elisabeth into a whole new woman.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze: Chapter VIII

Purity works towards perfecting her body through the virus.  Meanwhile, Miles tries a noble escape only to find his doom waiting for him.
(Available in the Archive)

Cow Daze: Chapter VII

While Becca lends a helping hand to help relieve Kat's growing pressure, Luke seeks out someone to help him with a similar problem.
(Available in the

Take the Hint: A Hucow Story

Taric isn't happy about being isolated with the M00-5 virus, but he's even less thrill that his friend, Kat, decided to break his quarantine to visit. She refuses to take the virus seriously, continuing to flirt and joke with him while facing the prospect of losing themselves in a lust driven frenzy. For Kat's part, she just wants Taric to take the hint.
(Available on Kindle and Patreon)

November 2024

The Crawl

Kelsi's costume accessory is more than it appears. The thing slithers its way into Kelsi's mind, corrupting and transforming the sorority girl on the night of the Sorority Row Halloween Crawl. The Delta Omega house descends into monstrous chaos as a steady stream of celebrating co-eds march toward the Crawl.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze: Chapter VI

Purity loses her namesake as an uninvited visitor comes to the girls' cabin.
(Available in the Archive)

October 2024

Cow Daze: Chapter V

With the infected younger campers contained, the hold outs discuss the ramifications of being trapped on a mountain with sex crazed relatives and friends. Miles's strength begins to fail when Penny comes up with a foolproof plan to keep everyone sane.
(Available in the Archive)

Cow Daze: Chapter IV

As the older generation tries to get a handle on the virus, the younger generation deals with the first hand experience. Alicia and Purity are left in the dark, hopefully safe from the virus, but the others may already be too far gone.
(Available in the Archive)

The Statue: A Hucow Tale of Cosmic Proportions Ch. 09 - WIP

Sadie reintroduces Tom to his ex-wife. A new arrival joins the herd as a loyal protector.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze: Chapter III

Joy goes to confess her dalliance with Kat, but Anthony never gets the confession. Instead, he gets his own little taste of the new world as the myth of the 8batch becomes reality to the entire group.
(Available in the Archive)

September 2024

HSA-040: Lyre of the Phoenician

Tom stops by the crossroads to pay homage to other musicians, but soon finds the old legends to be more real than he thought. Tom is gifted a strange and beautiful guitar that bears a curse even the devil didn't want.
(Available on Patreon)

Testimonial: A Freeuse Story

Seph offers her perspective after taking the one week treatment of Euphorix, a drug that enables a freeuse lifestyle. Going with the surprise package for her husband, Luke, she relates her experiences over the course of the week before giving a very resounding recommendation.
(Available on Patreon)

Cow Daze Chapter II

While Luke, Joy, and Kat deal with the effects of a strange hangover, Miles works on getting the WiFi back up and running to investigate a worrisome dairy recall notice. Strange symptoms and desires begin to rule the minds of the vacationers, and some are unable to resist new temptations.
(Available in the

August 2024

The Statue: A Hucow Tale of Cosmic Proportions Ch08 - WIP

Donna gets a makeover as Sadie flexes a little of her newfound power
(Available on Patreon)

HSA-612: A VHS Tape

An HSA Artifact has gone missing, and Agent Markus Wilson is in charge of hunting it down once again. The trail leads to a small Iowas town in search of a cursed VHS tape with a penchant for turning viewers into sexual deviants. Will Agent Wilson find his quarry in time? Or will a movie night turn into bimbo driven debauchery?
(Available in the Archive)

HSA-833: The Cube

Searching a haunted house as part of a pledge week challenge, Jacob accidentally unearths an ancient evil that transforms the night from innocent trespassing to debauchery and carnage.
(Available on Patreon)